What do customers say about our clogs?
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The advantage of a wooden sole is the fact that it doesn't deform the plantar arch, maintaining the anatomical contour of the foot. Our clogs are sligthly larger than regular sizing, therefore make sure you measure your feet and find the right size for you in our size guide.
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Women's Anatomic Clogs Blue Polka Dot
44,99 €
At Woolville, clogs are one of the most popular products in our footwear category. Clogs are an excellent choice of footwear thanks to a number of great properties, such as the fact they last for a long time while being relatively inexpensive. Their durability is due to the excellent workmanship and the material used for the bottom part, which is made of high quality alder wood. At the bottom, the wood is covered with a hard rubber sole with a tread pattern. It cushions the impact and also makes the clogs resistant to slipping.
The upper part of the clogs is made of genuine, high quality leather. Clogs maintain the anatomical outline of the foot and do not deform the arches. Your feet will feel comfortable even after wearing them for hours and there will be no pain. Most importantly, 90 % of the materials used are purely natural.
Material: Cow leather hide, Alder
Our clogs are slightly larger than regular shoe sizes, so before you buy, you need to measure your feet and compare the results with our size chart, which can be found here.
- Smooth (shiny) leather is easy to maintain. Use a soft brush to remove coarse dirt and wash the rest with water and a soft cloth.
- Brushed (fuzzy) leather is cleaned using a dry soft cloth, sponge, brush or special stain removal rubber.
Do not wash or soak leather shoes, the material may be damaged. If your shoes get wet or sweaty, you can put a dry cloth or crumpled paper in them after taking them off to draw the moisture out of the leather.
You can treat the leather with a protective product suitable for the type of leather. It helps protect the material from moisture and also makes cleaning the shoes easier.
Wood should not get unnecessarily wet, so clean with a dry cloth or soft brush. If the clogs do get wet, always allow them to dry well before storing.
Arch support insole
Raised heel to improve posture
High-quality design from wood and leather
Made from natural materials
Gender | Women |
Colour | Blue |
Season | Summer |
Fastening | Without zipper |
What problem do I have? | Plochá noha |
Brand | Vlnka |
Material | Wood, Leather |
Shoe fit | Ordinary |
Because we value what nature gives us, we have created the Vlnka brand here in Zlín. It brings the joy and comfort of natural materials to those who appreciate high quality, stylish products. Vlnka brings clothes, shoes, bedding and various accessories to the whole family, from babies to grandparents.
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
The clogs were a gift for my daughter who is thrilled with them. The size fits exactly, they are very comfortable, and they look beautiful. So far, complete satisfaction!
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Blossom White
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Dřeváčky byl dárek pro dceru, která je z nich nadšená. Velikost přesně sedí, jsou velmi pohodlné, a navíc vypadají krásně. Zatím naprostá spokojenost!
Dagmar Prášková
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
I like
Comfortable, attractive clogs.
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Floral
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Pohodlné líbivé dřeváky.
Dagmar Prášková
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
I like
Comfortable summer clogs.
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Beige Blossom
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Pohodlné letní dřeváky.
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
They are beautiful, lightweight, as I wrote in the other love at first sight
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Red Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Sú krásne,ľahké ,ako som už písala pri ostatných láska na prvý pohľad
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I like
They are not only beautiful but also very comfortable, they don't slip like classic clogs thanks to the rubber sole..they are incredibly lightweight .They don't press and on the advice of the seller I ordered a size smaller because they are really quite big...but those who have wider nart well measure and prefer to consult...the leather loosens but it takes a week...
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Beige Blossom
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Sú nielen krásne ale aj veľmi pohodlné,neklopkaju ako klasické dreváky vďaka gumenej podrážke..sú neskutočne ľahké .Netlačia a na radu predajcu som si objednala o číslo menšie lebo sú skutočne dosť veľké...avšak ty ktorý majú širší nart dobre odmerať a radšej sa poradit...koža povolí ale trvá to daaky ten týždeň..
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I like
are comfortable
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Beige Blossom
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
su pohodlne
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
So far I am satisfied, but I have worn the clogs twice
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Beige Blossom
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Zatiaľ som spokojná, ale mala som drevaky obuté dva krát
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
I had white clogs when I was a kid, so that's a memory and they're very pretty.So it was an obvious choice.
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Blossom White
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Jako malá jsem měla bílé dřeváčky, takže vzpomínka a jsou velice krásné.Takže to byla jasná volba .
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
Comfortable and high quality
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Rose
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Pohodlné a kvalitní
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I like
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Blossom White
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Red Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
excellent to wear during the day they are lightweight buy a size one size larger than you normally wear
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Blossom White
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
vyborne sa nosia pocas dna su lahke velkost si kupte o cislo vacsie ako bezne nosite
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
They are beautiful, strong, but quite heavy
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Pink Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Su krasne, pevne,ale dost tazke
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
The advantage of buying online
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Blossom White
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Výhoda nákupu cez internet
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
I like
I'm still getting used to the clogs, but they're great...
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Floral
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
zatím si na dřeváky zvykám, ale jsou skvělé...
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I like
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Red Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Marcela Lauerová
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I recommend
I like
beautiful , comfortable
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Blossom White
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
krásne ,pohodlné
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
The clogs are super nice and comfortable I recommend them
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Blossom White
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Drevaky sú parádne pekné a pohodlné odporúčam
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I like
The quality is good,they fit well on the feet,feet do not hurt
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Blossom White
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Kvalita je dobrá,dobre sedia na nohách,nohy nebolia
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
I like
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Floral
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
They are beautiful.
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Blossom White
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Sú nádherné.
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I had to get used to them a bit, but they are comfortable. The only thing that bothers me is that now in the summer they rub me barefoot, with socks it's great.
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Pink Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Trosku som si na ne musela zvyknut, ale su pohodlne. Jedine, co mi vadi je, ze teraz v lete na boso ma odieraju, s ponozkami je to super.
Ján Zeman
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I like
Quality at a reasonable price
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Blossom White
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Kvalita za rozumnu cenu
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
The clogs are very nice and comfortable
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Rose
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Dreváky sú veľmi pekné a pohodlné
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I like
the clogs fit very well on the foot, although they are a bit heavy, they are good to walk in even on longer trips
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Blossom White
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
dreváky veľmi dobre sedia na nohe, aj keď sú trochu ťažké, dobre sa v nich chodí aj na dlhšie cesty
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
I like
Choose your size, I preferred to take a larger size and 1 cm smaller would be enough - my size
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Red Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Vybírejte svojí velikost, odpovídá vzala jsem raději větší a stačilo by o 1 cm menší - moje velikost
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I like
Nicely crafted, support of the right arch of the foot
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Pink Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Pekne vypracovane,podpora spravnej klenby nohy
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I like
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Floral
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I can't rate them well, they were too big for me :(, I sold them but they are very nice.
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Pink Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Neviem dobre ohodnotiť, boli mi veľké :(, predala som ich, ale sú veľmi pekné.
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
Orthopedic clogs are excellent except for a small detail. In the inside of the sock in the area of the instep there is a printed letter, which when the foot is sweating, rubs on the sock and stains it. Otherwise I evaluate positively
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Blossom White
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Ortopedicke drevaky su vynikajuce az na malu drobnost. Vo vnutri drevaku v oblasti nartu je vytlacene pismo, ktore sa pri poteni nohy otlaca na ponozku a zafarbuje ju. Inak hodnotim kladne
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
Nice, high quality, non-slip
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Floral
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Pekné, kvalitné, protišmykové
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I am extremely satisfied.
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Red Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Som maximalne spokojná.
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I like
quality not 1*
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
kvalia ne na 1*
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I like
excellent footwear to support the arch of the foot.
I recommend to others.
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
výborná obuv na podporu klenby nohy. Odporúčam aj ostatným.
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I like
Very comfortable
the goat is soft and does not scratch anywhere
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Red Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Velmi pohodlné koza je meká a nikde neskre
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I like
High quality and lightweight.
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Kvalitné a ľahučké.
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I like
The clogs are very nice and high quality
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Floral
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Drevaky su velmi pekne a kvalitne
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
I like
lightweight, easy to walk in
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Rose
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
lehké, dobře se v nich chodí
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
Comfortable, nice
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Pink Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Pohodlné, pekné
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I am very satisfied. And since my mom also liked them, tried mine on and they fit her foot, I'm going to make her happy and order some for her as well.
I like
They are comfortable.
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Som veľmi spokojná. A keďže sa páčili aj mojej mamke, vyskúšala si moje a padli je do oka aj nôžku, urobím jej radosť a objednám aj pre ňu.
Sú pohodlné.
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
They are good to walk in, a little unusual at first but the goat quickly stretches on the foot and adapts to the foot. When choosing a number, follow the table published on their website.
I like
Natural materials
Comfortable on the foot
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Dobre sa v nich chodí, zo začiatku trocha nezvyk ale koza sa rýchlo na nohe roztiahne a prispôsobí sa chodilu. pri výbere čísla sa riadiť tabuľkou zverejneniu na ich web stránke.
Koža Drevo Prírodné materiály Pohodlné na nohe
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
Beautiful clogs just like the ones I used to wear, in my childhood
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Red Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Krásne drevaky presne také som nosila, v detstve
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I like
with super
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Rose
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
su super
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
nice elaboration
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Rose
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
pekné vypracovanie
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I like
They are great to walk in
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Pink Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Super sa v nich chodí Ľahučké
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
I like
Surprisingly comfortable clogs
I don't like
The pattern I wanted was soon sold out. I chose a different one and I don't regret it, it looks better than the picture.
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Rose
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Překvapivě pohodlné dřeváčky
Vzor, který jsem si přála, byl brzy vyprodaný. Zvolila jsem jiný a nelituji, vypadá lépe než na obrázku.
Iveta Hliváková
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I like
they wear well
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Red Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
dobre sa nosia
Iveta Hliváková
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I like
are interesting
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
sú zaujímavé
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I like
They are great to walk in
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Pink Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Super sa v nich chodí
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I like
very good and comfortable
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
veľmi dobre a pohodlné
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I like
They are very comfortable... Very good
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Pink Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Sú veľmi pohodlné... Veľmi dobre
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
I like
Very comfortable to wear, also for flat feet and high skates... we have them for the whole family, we really liked the design.
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Red Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Velmi prijemne na noseni, take pro plochou nohu a vysoky nart... uz je mame cela rodina, moc se nam libil design.
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
Beautiful slippers and comfortable
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Rose
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Krásné pantofle a pohodlné
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
I like
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Red Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
Derevacs makucke... satisfaction
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Red Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Derevaky makucke... spokojnosť
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
I like
Nice to look at :)
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Red Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Pěkné na pohled :) Pohodlné
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
Not only nice but also very pleasant to wear, good to walk in, comfortable, comfortable
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Rose
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Nielen pekné ale aj veĺmi príjemné na nosenie, dobre sa v nich chodí, pohodlné, komfirtné
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
I like
Pleasant and beautiful
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Příjemné a krásné
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I like
beautiful design
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Pink Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
krasny dizajn pohodlne
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
Christmas present.
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Black Blossom
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Dárek k Vánocům.
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
Beautiful and comfortable clogs
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Rose
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Krásné a pohodlné dřeváky
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
I like
Beautiful clogs at a great price.
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Black Blossom
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Krásné dřeváky za výbornou cenu.
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
Speed, quality, wonderfully packaged.
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Black Blossom
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Rychlost, kvalita, uzasne zabalené.
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
the clogs are very nice, but unfortunately small...I followed the instructions on how to measure exactly to fit, but unfortunately... I'll try to exchange them for bigger ones
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Beige Blossom
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
dřeváky jsou moc pěkné, ale bohužel malé...držela jsem se návodu, jak přesně měřit, aby sedly, ale bohužel... zkusím vyměnit za větší
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I like
They feel good to walk in. Nice design. Very satisfied.
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Black Blossom
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Dobré sa mi v nich chodí. Pekný dizajn. Veľmi spokojná.
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I like
They fit like a glove. The numbering fits according to the table.
Clogs, take a little getting used to walking in them.
Nice colorful print, stock price.
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Pink Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Sadli ako uliate. Číslovanie sedí podľa tabuľky. Dreváky, treba si na chôdzu v nich trochu zvyknúť. Pekná farebná potlač, akciová cena.
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
nice, natural
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Rose
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
pěkné, přírodní
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
I don't like
the clogs could have been a size bigger
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Black Blossom
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
dřeváky mohly být o číslo větší
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
Wide for comfortable toe splay and a comfortable heel height.
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Široké na pohodlné rozložení prstů a příjemná výška podpatku.
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
I like
nice design
fit well on the foot, I took a size smaller
they don't seem to fall apart right away
they don't slip even in socks
I don't like
it took me a while to get used to them, they're not slippers...
they make a racket on the pavement
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Black Blossom
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
pěkný design dobře padnou na nohu, brala jsem o číslo menší vypadají že se hned nerozpadnou neklouže v nich noha ani v ponožkách
musela jsem si chvilku zvykat, nejsou to bačkůrky... na dlažbě dělají rachot
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
They are too big for me and probably the matching size wouldn't suit me. They may fit some people.
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Black Blossom
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Jsou mi velké a asi ani odpovídající velikost by mi nevyhovovala. Někomu můžou sedět.
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
The size fits exactly, it is not bigger than the store says, so if you want to wear warmer socks in your clogs, buy a size bigger. Otherwise they are lovely and comfortable.
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Velikost odpovídá přesně, není větší jak uvádí obchod, takže pokud chcete do dřeváků nosit teplejší ponožky, kupujte o číslo větší. Jinak jsou krásné a pohodlné.
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
My wife wears them at work and is happy with them.
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Beige Blossom
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Manželka je nosí v zaměstnání a je s nimi spokojená.
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
I like
It fits well
They look nice
Promote proper gait
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Black Blossom
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Sedí dobře Vypadají hezky Podporují správnou chůzi
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
I like
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Black Blossom
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
I like
Wonderful! I'm very happy!
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Floral
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Nádhera! Nadmíru spokojená!
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I like
Very good shoes and pleasant to walk in
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Black Blossom
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Veľmi dobrá obuv a príjemne sa v nej chodí
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
Absolutely awesome. A memory of my childhood, when I used to wear similar red clogs. They are very comfortable to walk in, but I was surprised by the workmanship - staples like from a stapler. Maybe rivets would have been more appropriate, as they used to be. But if they'll hold, why not.
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Black Blossom
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Absolutně super. Vzpomínka na dětství, kdy jsem chodila v podobných červených dřeváčcích. Chodí se v nich velmi pohodlně, ale překvapilo mne zpracování - spony jak ze sešívačky. Možná by jim víc slušely nýty, jako tomu bylo kdysi. Ale pokud budou držet, proč ne.
Monika Solcianska
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
Design super.
I like
They're very nice. They're hard to walk in, though. They have a heel and a platform.
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Beige Blossom
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Design super.
Jsou moc hezky. Me se v nich však špatně chodí, mají podpatek a platformu.
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
The clogs are relatively lightweight, comfortable, I was worried they would push, but they are comfortable! They look nice, I like the pattern. I have two minor complaints about the workmanship: - the leather is attached to the wooden sole with "staples" like in a paper stapler, if there were round "studs" it would fit much better - the beige pattern has white piping, it makes the shoe a bit cheaper
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Beige Blossom
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Dřeváky jsou relativně lehké, pohodlné, měla jsem strach, že budou tlačit, ale jsou příjemné! Vypadají hezky, vzor se mi líbí. Mám dvě drobné výtky ke zpracování: - kůže je ke dřevěné podrážce připevněna "skobičkami", jako jsou v sešívačce na papír, kdyby tam byly kulaté "cvočky", vpadalo by to o moc líp - u béžového vzoru je bílé lemování, trošku to botu zlaciní
Eva Debnárová
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I have this kind in a different color so I ordered these as well. I'm just sorry, I've ordered 4 times and I didn't order the gift - cream even once because it's not mentioned in the end. Otherwise, everything is to the utmost satisfaction.
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Black Blossom
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Takýto druh mám v inej farbe tak som si objednala aj tieto. Len ma jedno mrzí, už som objednávala 4-krát a neobjednal som si darček - krém ani raz lebo v závere to nie je výraznejšie spomenuté. Inak je všetko k najväčšej spokojnosti.
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I don't like
I can't walk in them
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Black Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Neviem v nich chodiť
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
It's comfortable to wear.
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Black Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Příjemně se nosí.
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
I am satisfied,I am disabled and these shoes are health and comfortable and I only recommend, thank you
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Floral
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Jsem spokojena,jsem invalidní a tyto boty jsou zdravotní a vyhovující a jenom doporučuji, děkuji
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
I like
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Pink Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
I like
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Black Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
I like
comfortable to wear
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Rose
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
příjemné nošení
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
I like
quality natural product.
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Pink Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
kvalitní přírodní produkt.
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
I like
well crafted product
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Rose
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
dobře zpracovaný výrobek
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
the goods fully correspond to the photo
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Beige Blossom
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
zboží plně odpovídá fotu
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
I like
Clogs fit perfectly , comfortable
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Black Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Dřeváky sedí perfektně , pohodlné
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
Verified size, I already have polka dots, nice workmanship, satisfaction.
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Floral
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Ověřená velikost, už mám puntíkaté, pěkné zpracování, spokojenost.
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
I am satisfied, I like it very much!
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Floral
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Jsem spokojená, moc se mi líbí!
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
These are my first pair of clogs and they are awesome, I have them for running out into the yard and garden. The wood of the clogs is beautifully smooth and nice on bare feet. I'm learning to walk in them, the leather is pretty firm. It's a good thing I listened and measured my whole foot properly, otherwise I would have chosen a regular size like with shoes and the clogs would have pushed me.
I like
they're flapping nicely
pleasant wood barefoot
I don't like
I can't walk in them yet ;-)
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Beige Blossom
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Jsou to moje první dřeváky a jsou úžasné, mám je na vyběhnutí na dvůr a zahradu. Dřevo dřeváčků je krásně hlaďoučké a příjemné na bosé nohy. Učím se v nich chodit, kůže je dost pevná. Ještě že jsem poslechla a celou nohu řádně proměřila, jinak bych volila běžné číslo jako u bot a to by mě dřeváčky tlačily.
hezky klapou příjemné dřevo naboso
ještě v nich neumím chodit ;-)
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
Super clogs are good to walk in them and feet in them do not hurt so much, you need to get used to the hardness of the wood.
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Floral
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Super drevaky dobre sa v nich chodi a nohy v nich az tak nebolia treba si zvyknut na tvrdost dreva.
Jana Števlíková
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I like
Lightweight, orthopaedic
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Floral
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Ľahké, ortopedicke
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
The clogs fit like a glove, but I won't be able to test them outdoors now, so they won't have their outdoor premiere until spring ... they fit reliably at home, and they are very comfortable, which surprised me.
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Beige Blossom
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Dřeváky padnou jak ulité, jen už je teď nestihnu vyzkoušet venku, takže venkovní premiéru budou mít až na jaře ... doma klapou spolehlivě, a jsou hodně pohodlné, až mě to překvapilo.
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
I like
I knew what I wanted, and that's exactly what I received. Maximum satisfaction
I don't like
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Black Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Věděla jsem, co chci, a přesně takové drevaky jsem obdržela. Maximální spokojenost
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
I like
Satisfaction, they are easy to walk in, they look nice
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs - Beige Blossom
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
spokojenost, dobře se v nich chodí, pěkně vypadají
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
perfect, comfortable and attract admiration
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Black Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
perfektné, pohodlné a priťahujú obdiv
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
Super shoes, great, fits true to size, look amazing on the foot. Speed of delivery, order processing, satisfaction.
I like
Decent, comfortable on the foot, we'll see on longer walks. The chosen size fits perfectly. I will definitely recommend the store.
I am already looking at the catalog and choosing from other products:-)
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Black Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Super botičky, skvělé, sedí velikost, vypadají na noze úžasně. Rychlost dodání, vyřízení objednávky, spokojenost.
Slušivé, příjemné na noze, uvidíme u delší procházky. Vybraná velikost sedí perfektně. Obchod budu určitě doporučovat. Již nyní koukám do katalogu a vybírám i z jiných produktů:-)
Buyer reviews heureka.sk
I like
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Black Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckaren.sk
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
I like
The clogs look very nice and especially make me walk straight.
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Black Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Dřeváky vypadají moc pěkně a hlavně mě nutí chodit rovně.
Lucie Halbichová
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
Yes, I recommend them, they are good to walk in.
I like
They're beautiful
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Black Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Ano doporučuji, dobře se vnich chodí,.
Jsou krásný
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
They are great and easy to walk in, I recommend them
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Black Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Sú skvěle a dobře sa v nich chodí, doporucujem
Buyer reviews heureka.cz
I feel like 30 years ago when I first bought them and wore them almost everywhere they are beautiful lightweight thank you very much
Originally posted for Women's Anatomic Clogs Black Polka Dot
From a customer from oveckarna.cz
Připadám si jako před 30 lety když jsem si je koupila poprvé a nosil se skoro všude jsou krásné lehoučké děkuji velice
Up to 30 days
for returns
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Size Guide
closeSize (EU) | Size (UK) | A (cm) | B (cm) | C (cm) | D (cm) | E (cm) |
36 | 3,5 | 24 | 4,5 | 6,5 | 8,5 | 17,5 |
37 | 4,5 | 24,5 | 5 | 6,5 | 8,5 | 18 |
38 | 5 | 25 | 5 | 6,5 | 9 | 18 |
39 | 6 | 26 | 5 | 7 | 9 | 18 |
40 | 6,5 | 27 | 5 | 7,5 | 9,5 | 18,5 |
41 | 7,5 | 27,5 | 5 | 7,5 | 10 | 19 |
42 | 8 | 28 | 5 | 8 | 10 | 19 |
43 | 9 | 29 | 5 | 8 | 10,5 | 19,5 |
44 | 9,5 | 29,5 | 5 | 8 | 10,5 | 20 |
45 | 10,5 | 30 | 5 | 8 | 10,5 | 20 |
46 | 11 | 31 | 5 | 8 | 10,5 | 21 |
GLS Europe | 20. 3. |
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