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Products from sheep wool - Woolville.com
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Sleeping and breastfeeding

Sleeping and breastfeeding

Baby accessories

Small children cannot tell us if they're too hot under the blanket or if they feel cold. Yet sheep's wool can help with that because it maintains the ideal temperature, protecting children from overheating as well as from becoming too cold. Older children can choose if they prefer to sleep under a fluffy quilt or a simple blanket.
Baby nests and nursing pillows are also a great help for new parents, as they provide a safe environment or support.

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Baaa, I'm Wally

Sorry to interrupt, but I need a hoof from you so I can find out how you're enjoying Woolville. Because that's the only way I can give you the caaare you deserve. I promise, on my wooly coat, that everything I learn will staaay under the protection of my flock.